Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"The Life of Julia"

I try my best not to be biased, but here’s a little shameless Obama promoting:

I cannot begin to express how exciting it is to have a president who embraces technology. Beyond online news sites and campaign commercials it’s difficult to find engaging information. On his site, President Obama has created a wonderful graphic representation of his plans for education, health care and the nation overall.
 The Life of Julia — Barack Obama

It isn’t unusual for a presidential candidate to attempt to reach the population through speeches and newspapers. However, President Obama is making headlines in different ways by truly embracing the US population’s communication channels. Never before has a president fully understood the importance of using new technology to reach people. With his use of social media, email, and blogging he has gotten his message out to people he would not have otherwise.

The point is this: more information than ever before is available on candidates, thus raising the bar for their behavior and actions. We have a powerful tool at our fingertips to find out who is and isn’t going to fight for our rights. The President has made effort and so should we. This isn’t just about our future either, it’s also our present.  

There are several very important issues hitting our legislature right now that we need to be concerned about. For example, The Student Loan Forgiveness Act is about to change education opportunities for a majority of students. I can’t begin to tell you how many people I know in low income communities that simply cannot afford college without a loan. If credit card companies are running rampant with interest rates people both with and without degrees will be stuck in a hole their entire life.

[For the laymen's terms on the Student Loan Forgiveness Act Click Here]
[For those who want to see the full Bill Text Click This.]

As American’s we have a very special right that most of us take for granted. We have the ability to change the system and laws; all we have to do is exercise power in numbers.

For some non-partial info on what issues are coming up in the 2012 election here's some more links: